
Revision as of 14:02, 10 October 2008 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

Please complete the form below...


What is the name of the proposed milestone?*{{#input:type=text|id=a1|size=30}}
What is the location of the proposed milestone? In what IEEE section does it reside?*
What was the date of the work?*{{#input:type=text|id=a3|size=30}}
What is the historical significance of the work (its technological, scientific, or social importance)?*
What features set this work apart from similar achievements?*
What obstacles (technical, political, geographic) needed to be overcome?*
Describe briefly the intended site(s) of the milestone plaque(s). The intended site(s) must have a direct connection with the achievement (e.g. where developed, invented, tested, demonstrated, installed, or operated, etc.). A museum where a device or example of the technology is displayed, or the university where the inventor studied, are not, in themselves, sufficient connection for a milestone plaque.*
Are the original buildings extant?*
{{#input: type=radio

| id=a8y | name=a8

| value=Yes}} Yes
{{#input: type=radio

|id=a8n |name=a8

|value=No}} No
How is the site protected/secured, and in what ways is it accessible to the *?
Who is the present owner of the site(s)?*{{#input:type=text|id=a10|size=30}}
Has the owner of the site agreed to have it designated as an Electrical Engineering Milestone?*
{{#input: type=radio

| id=a11y | name=a11

| value=Yes}} Yes
{{#input: type=radio

|id=a11n |name=a11

|value=No}} No
Please specify the IEEE Organizational Unit(s) which have agreed to sponsor the Milestone nomination, and list the contact information for the senior officer(s) from those OU(s).*

Please specify the senior officer(s) of the IEEE Section(s) where the plaque(s) would be placed and supply contact information:
IEEE Section:*{{#input:type=text|id=a13section|size=30}}
Position within Section:*{{#input:type=text|id=a13position|size=30}}
Please specify the IEEE OU which will pay for the plaque(s) and provide the name and contact information of the officer of the OU with approval authority:
IEEE OU:*{{#input:type=text|id=a14ou|size=30}}
Position within OU:*{{#input:type=text|id=a14position|size=30}}

List the person(s) responsible within the organizational unit(s) for preparing the formal milestone nomination, and preparing the ceremonial events with publicity:

Dedication Ceremony and Publicity:
Proposed by:
 {{#input:type=submit|value=Submit Proposal|onClick=var missing; var myFields=new Array('a1','a2','a3','a4','a5','a6','a7','a8','a9','a10','a11','a12','a13','a13name','a13section','a13position','a13email','a14name','a14ou','a14position','a14email','a15Aname','a15Aemail','a15Bname','a15Bemail','a15Cname','a15Ctitle','a15Corg','a15Caddress','a15Cphone','a15Cemail',); for (x in myFields) if(!this.form[x].value && !missing (x<>'a15Aname2' && x<>'a15Aemail2') && x<>'a15Bname2' && x<>'a15Bemail2')) missing = this.form[x]; if (!document.getElementById('a8y').checked && !document.getElementById('a8n').checked && !missing) missing = document.getElementById('a8y'); if (!document.getElementById('a11y').checked && !document.getElementById('a11n').checked && !missing) missing = document.getElementById('a11y'); if (missing) alert('Please complete the entire form before submitting your proposal.'); if (missing) missing.focus(); if (missing) return false; if(document.getElementById('a8y').checked) mya8 = 'Yes'; else mya8 = 'No'; if(document.getElementById('a11y').checked) mya11 = 'Yes'; else mya11 = 'No'; this.form.title.value='Milestone-Proposal:'+this.form.a1.value; this.form.content.value='' + this.form.q1.value + '

' + this.form.a1.value + '

' + this.form.q2.value + '

' + this.form.a2.value + '

' + this.form.q3.value + '

' + this.form.a3.value + '

' + this.form.q4.value + '

' + this.form.a4.value + '

' + this.form.q5.value + '

' + this.form.a5.value + '

' + this.form.q6.value + '

' + this.form.a6.value + '

' + this.form.q7.value + '

' + this.form.a7.value + '

' + this.form.q8.value + '

' + mya8 + '

' + this.form.q9.value + '

' + this.form.a9.value + '

' + this.form.q10.value + '

' + this.form.a10.value + '

' + this.form.q11.value + '

' + mya11 + '

' + this.form.q12.value + '

' + this.form.a12.value + '

' + this.form.q13.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q13name.value + '
' + this.form.a13name.value + '
' + this.form.q13section.value + '
' + this.form.a13section.value + '
' + this.form.q13position.value + '
' + this.form.a13position.value + '
' + this.form.q13email.value + '
' + this.form.a13email.value + '

' + this.form.q14.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q14name.value + '
' + this.form.a14name.value + '
' + this.form.q14ou.value + '
' + this.form.a14ou.value + '
' + this.form.q14position.value + '
' + this.form.a14position.value + '
' + this.form.q14email.value + '
' + this.form.a14email.value + '

' + this.form.q15.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15A.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Aname.value + '
' + this.form.a15Aemail.value + '
' + this.form.q15Aname2.value + '
' + this.form.a15Aemail2.value + '

' + this.form.q15B.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Bname.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bname.value + '
' + this.form.q15Bemail.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bemail.value + '
' + this.form.q15Bname2.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bname2.value + '
' + this.form.q15Bemail2.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bemail2.value + '
' + this.form.q15C.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Cname.value + '
' + this.form.a15Cname.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Ctitle.value + '
' + this.form.a15Ctitle.value + '
' + this.form.q15Corg.value + '
' + this.form.a15Corg.value + '
' + this.form.q15Caddress.value + '
' + this.form.a15Caddress.value + '
' + this.form.q15Cphone.value + '
' + this.form.a15Cphone.value + '
' + this.form.q15Cemail.value + '
' + this.form.a15Cemail.value; }}

* Required Fields {{#input:type=hidden|name=title|id=title}} {{#input:type=hidden|name=content|id=content}}

{{#input:type=hidden|id=q1|value=What is the name of the proposed milestone?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q2|value=What is the location of the proposed milestone? In what IEEE section does it reside?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q3|value=What was the date of the work?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q4|value=What is the historical significance of the work (its technological, scientific, or social importance)?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q5|value=What features set this work apart from similar achievements?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q6|value=What obstacles (technical, political, geographic) needed to be overcome?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q7|value=Describe briefly the intended site(s) of the milestone plaque(s). The intended site(s) must have a direct connection with the achievement (e.g. where developed, invented, tested, demonstrated, installed, or operated, etc.). A museum where a device or example of the technology is displayed, or the university where the inventor studied, are not, in themselves, sufficient connection for a milestone plaque.}}

{{#input:type=hidden|id=q8|value=Are the original buildings extant?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q9|value=How is the site protected/secured, and in what ways is it accessible to the public?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q10|value=Who is the present owner of the site(s)?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q11|value=Has the owner of the site agreed to have it designated as an Electrical Engineering Milestone?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q12|value=Please specify the IEEE Organizational Unit(s) which have agreed to sponsor the Milestone nomination, and list the contact information for the senior officer(s) from those OU(s).}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13|value=Please specify the senior officer(s) of the IEEE Section(s) where the plaque(s) would be placed and supply contact information:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13name|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13section|value=IEEE Section:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13position|value=Position within Section:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13email|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14|value=Please specify the IEEE OU which will pay for the plaque(s) and provide the name and contact information of the officer of the OU with approval authority:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14name|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14ou|value=IEEE OU:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14position|value=Position within OU:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14email|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15|value=List the person(s) responsible within the organizational unit(s) for preparing the formal milestone nomination, and preparing the ceremonial events with publicity:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15A|value=Nomination:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aname|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aemail|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aname2|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aemail2|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15B|value=Dedication Ceremony and Publicity:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bname|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bemail|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bname2|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bemail2|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15C|value=Proposed by:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Cname|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Ctitle|value=Title:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Corg|value=Organization:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Caddress|value=Address:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Cphone|value=Telephone:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Cemail|value=E-mail:}} }}