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== ==
|Established date=1974
|IEEE Region=10
|Geographic region=Taipei
|SPO ID=R00299

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=== '''IEEE Taipei Section''' ===
Section Chair Name :  Yi-Bing Lin

[ Link to Section Homepage]
Year Started : 1974

== Background  ==
Current member strength :

The territory of the IEEE TAIPEI Section, as approved by RAB, includes TAIPEI City and TAIWAN Province, except for Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung.  The Section was formed on 16 October 1974, and is part of Region 10.
·        35 Chapters

== <br>重要歷史沿革資料選輯<br> ==
·        20 Student Branches

·        Affinity Group: Women in Engineering, Young Professionals

台北分會成立於1974年10月16日,隸屬於IEEE的第十分區(Region 10, 簡稱R10),是R10中第六個成立的分會。首任理事長為林樂基先生,當時會員不到百人,主要均為歸國學人,參與IEEE的主要目的為直接與總會訂閱專業刊物,本地活動較少,分會功能顯得薄弱。1984年謝清俊理事長期間積極推動會務,向總會引進IEEE組織章程,廣邀學界教授擔任各項Officers,取得總會Rebate補助會務運作,建立今日本會行政運作模式。有鑒於當時國內不易取得國際研究資料,他積極宣傳IEEE擁有之強大研究資源,辦理IEEE創立百年慶祝活動,並招收研究所學生會員入會,會員人數迅速成長,本會因此獲得IEEE百年紀念獎章。在此基礎下,次(1986)年本會會員何宜慈榮任R10 Director,本會亦榮獲總會頒發會員人數成長獎。 <br>此後本會之工作穩定推展。在組織上,逐年增設支會(Chapters),到2000年已達18個支會,目前則為28個。學生分會在90年代在交大、台大首先設立,其後增加至2007年已達6個。1997年10月16日王小川理事長任內成立本會網站,增進各界了解本會動態。2001年吳靜雄理事長倡議成立台南分會,並於2003年6月30日徐爵民理事長任內正式成立,由當時本會王駿發副理事長擔任首屆理事長。2007年成立Women in Engineering Group,係分會設立IEEE Affinity Group之首次。在會員人數上,隨著各屆理事長努力,由成立時的58人,至1983年突破約三百人,到1993年已超過5倍成長達一千七百人,1999年破兩千人,至2008年初更逾三千人。 <br>2002年本會補助Communications Society支會辦理GlobalCom大型國際會議,依IEEE規定獲得部份結餘款,使本會經費獲得大輻成長,並因此設置各項補助辦法,包括學生出國參加IEEE國際研討會,每年達30-50人次;各支會舉辦研討會或講習會等各式學術活動,每年約30次;辦理2006年最佳影響力獎;推動支會聯合辦理暑期營促進教育活動等,使本會會務的推動邁向新的里程碑。近幾年來,會員表現非常傑出,紛紛獲得IEEE Fellow榮銜,已達64人。另有許多會員積極擔任各IEEE Societies之Distinguished Lecturers、期刊編輯、或會議主席等職務,本分會已非常國際化,是IEEE非常活躍的分會成員之一。 <br>回首34年來,分會從蓽路藍縷的草創時期至今天的稍具規模,歷屆理事長的努力經營實貢獻良多。但由於本分會並無固定會址,隨每屆理事長交接而變動,文件不易保持,致使許多資料殘缺不全。為此,乃促請本屆同仁蒐集本分會沿革相關重要資料,彙集成冊。由於時間有限,謬誤或缺漏之處在所難免,尚祈各方賢達不吝指正。 <br>謹此感謝歷任理事長及各前輩們的奉獻,期望來者在此基礎上繼續努力發展,並願祝福會務昌隆。
·        over 2500 active members

<br>[[Image:Taipei Wu.jpg|thumb|right|Ruey Beei Wu, Taipei Section Chair 2007.]]<br><br>
=== '''Section’s history''' ===
The IEEE Taipei Section was established in 1974. It is the sixth section established in R10. There are over 2500 active members in the year 2018, 35 Chapters have been formed and actively functioning. In 2009, Taipei Section received IEEE Outstanding Large Section Award.

[[Category:IEEE]] [[Category:Geographical_units]] [[Category:Sections]]
The IEEE Chapters in Taipei cooperate with the local government, industries, and the academia on various technical conferences and other activities that significantly vitalize the dynamics of the industry in Taiwan. Regular meetings of the Section officers are held to sparkle ideas and plans for activities that will further enhance the activeness of this Section.

With Taiwan's growing importance in the global high tech industry, the IEEE Taipei Section and its Chapters as well as Student branches endeavor to contribute to the advancement of the prosperity of its community through activities that provide professional information exchanges and stimulate technological innovations.

=== '''Section Officers''' ===
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Lok Lin

Te-Son Kuo

Hien-Chee  Fang

Ting-I Ho

Ting-Shiun Wen

Lok Lin

Irvine T Ho

Ching C Hsieh

Te-Son Kuo

Yinn-Nien Huang


Pao-Sun Lu

Irvine T Ho

Te-Son Kuo

== <br><br>Section Officers  ==
Ching C Hsieh

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Pao-Sun Lu
| '''Year'''
| '''Chair'''
| '''Vice-Chair'''
| '''Secretary'''
Ching C Hsieh
| '''Treasurer'''
Chintay Shih
Lin-Shan Lee
|陸寶蓀 Pao-Sun Lu
| 1974-75
| 林樂基&nbsp;Lok Lin
| N/A
| N/A
Chintay Shih
| N/A
Richard C Lee
Lin-Shan Lee
Lin-Shan Lee
| 1977-79
郭德盛 Te-Son Kuo
Richard C Lee
Chintay Shih
Lin-Shan Lee

| N/A
Lin-Shan Lee
| N/A
| N/A
| 1979-80
方賢齊 Hien-Chee Fang
Lin-Shan Lee

| 何定一 Ting-I Ho
Chun-Yen Chang
| 溫鼎勳 Ting-Shiun Wen
| 林樂基 Lok Lin
| 1981-82
| 何宜慈 Irvine T Ho
| 謝清俊 Ching C Hsieh
| 郭德盛 Te-Son Kuo
Chun-Yen Chang
| 黃胤年 Yinn-Nien Huang<br>陸寶蓀 Pao-Sun Lu
Hsiao C Wang
Chung-Yu Wu
Chein-Wei Jen
Wen Zen Shen
| 1983-84
| 何宜慈 Irvine T Ho  
| 郭德盛 Te-Son Kuo
| 謝清俊 Ching C Hsieh
Che-Ho Wei
| 陸寶蓀 Pao-Sun Lu
Hsiao C Wang
Chuen-Shen Shung
Wen Zen Shen
| 1984-85
| 謝清俊 Ching C Hsieh
| 史欽泰 Chintay Shih
| 李琳山 Lin-Shan Lee
Chung-Yu Wu
| 陸寶蓀 Pao-Sun Lu
Hsiao C Wang
Yang Tung Huang
Wen Zen Shen
Frances  C Su
| 1984-87
| 史欽泰 Chintay Shih
| 李家同 Richard C Lee
| 李琳山 Lin-Shan Lee
Hsiao C Wang
| 李琳山 Lin-Shan Lee
Jingshown Wu
Chi-Chao CHao
Frances C Su
| 1987-88
| 李家同 Richard C Lee
| 史欽泰 Chintay Shih
| 李琳山 Lin-Shan Lee
Jingshown Wu
| 李琳山 Lin-Shan Lee
Nicky C Lu
Kwang-Cheng Chen
Shi-Chung Chang
| 1989-90
| 李琳山 Lin-Shan Lee
| N/A
| 張俊彥 Chun-Yen Chang
Wen Zen Shen
| N/A
Jyuo-Min Shyu
Jing-Yang Jou
Shyh-Jong Chung
| 1991-92
| 張俊彥 Chun-Yen Chang
| 王小川 Hsiao C Wang  
| 吳重雨 Chung-Yu Wu<br>任建葳 Chein-Wei Jen
Jyuo-Min Shyu
| 沈文仁 Wen Zen Shen
Jhing F Wang
Shih-Chieh Chang
Shi-Yu Huang
| 1993-94
| 魏哲和 Che-Ho Wei
| 王小川 Hsiao C Wang
| 項春申 Chuen-Shen Shung
Bao-Shuh P Lin
| 沈文仁 Wen Zen Shen
Liang-Gee Chen
Ginkou Ma
Tzung-Pao Lin
| 1995-96
| 吳重雨 Chung-Yu Wu  
| 王小川 Hsiao C Wang
| 黃遠東 Yang Tung Huang
Ruey-Beei Wu
沈文仁 Wen Zen Shen
Chung-Ju Chang

蘇正芬 Frances C Su
Char-Dir Chung

Tzong-Lin Wu
| 1997-99
| 王小川 Hsiao C Wang
| 吳靜雄 Jingshown Wu
| 趙啟超 Chi-Chao CHao
Chin-Teng Lin
| 蘇正芬 Frances C Su
Ginkou Ma
Paul C.-P. Chao
Li-Chun Wang
| 2000-01
| 吳靜雄 Jingshown Wu
| 盧超群 Nicky C Lu
| 陳光禎 Kwang-Cheng Chen
Sy-Yen Kuo
| 張時中 Shi-Chung Chang
San-Liang Lee
Shun-Feng Su
Shyue-Kung Lu
| 2002
|[null 2012-]
| 沈文仁 Wen Zen Shen
| 徐爵民 Jyuo-Min Shyu
| 周景揚 Jing-Yang Jou
| 鍾世忠 Shyh-Jong Chung
| 2003-04
| 徐爵民 Jyuo-Min Shyu
| 王駿發 Jhing F Wang
| 張仕杰 Shih-Chieh Chang
| 黃錫瑜 Shi-Yu Huang
| 2005-06
| 林寶樹 Bao-Shuh P Lin
| 陳良基 Liang-Gee Chen
| 馬金溝 Ginkou Ma
| 林宗葆 Tzung-Pao Lin
| 2007-08
| 吳瑞北 Ruey-Beei Wu
| 張仲儒 Chung-Ju Chang
| 鍾嘉德 Char-Dir Chung
| 吳宗霖 Tzong-Lin Wu
| 2009-10
| 林進燈 Chin-Teng Lin
| 馬金溝 Ginkou Ma
| 趙昌博 Paul C.-P. Chao
| 王蒞君 Li-Chun Wang

[[Category:IEEE]] [[Category:Geographical_units]] [[Category:Sections]]
Tsu-Tian Lee 

Shun-Feng  Su


== Honors ==
Ying-Yi Hong

===== Awards Receipts from IEEE  =====
Cheng-Yuan Chang

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Yuh-Shyan Hwang"
| 1998
| Nicky Chau-Chun Lu (盧超群), IEEE David O. Pederson Award in Solid State Circuits, "For pioneering contributions to high speed dynamic memory design and cell technology"
| 2000
| Morris Chang (張忠謀), IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal, "For his vision and leadership in pioneering the silicon integrated circuit foundry industry"
Chin-Liang Wang
Wen-June  Wang
Jing-Jia  Liu
Yuh-Ren  Tsai
| 2002
| Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition, "For pioneering and realizing the dedicated IC wafer fabrication business thereby leading worldwide to numerous fabless IC companies"
| 2007
| Communication Society Taipei Chapter, IEEE ComSoc Chapter Achievement Awards (CCA) and 2007 ComSoc Chapter of the Year (CoY) Award
| 2007
| Hsi-T Seng Chou (周錫增), R10 Outstanding Branch counselor award 2007, “For outstanding contributions to the growth of student branches in Asia-Pacific”
Yi-Bing  Lin
| 2009
| Burn Jeng Lin (林本堅), IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, "For contributions to immersion lithography for the manufacture of integrated circuit devices"

===== &nbsp; =====
Ming-Dou Ker

===== Fellow &amp; Contributions =====
Chung-Chih Hung

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Chun-Cheng  Lin
| 年度
| 姓名
|Jason Yi-Bing Lin
| 英文姓名
|Ming-Dou Ker
| 服務單位
|Chung-Chih Hung
| 職稱
|Chun-Cheng Lin
| 貢獻
| 1977
| 施敏*
|Meng-Fan Chang
| Simon M. Sze
|Kea-Tiong Tang
| 中央研究院
|Tsung-Yi Ho
| 院士
|Ren-Shuo Liu
| For contributions to semiconductor device research and to education
| 1981<br>
| 劉兆漢*&nbsp;
|Meng-Fan Chang
| Chao-Han Liu
|Kea-Tiong Tang
| 中央大學
|Tsung-Yi Ho
| 教授
|Ren-Shuo Liu
| For contributions to wave propagation in the ionosphere and to engineering education
| 1988
| 彭松村
|Kea-Tiong Tang
| Song-Tsuen Peng
|Yao-Win Hong
| 元智大學
|Tsung-Yi Ho
| 通訊研究中心主任
|Ren-Shuo Liu
| For contributions to the scattering and guidance of electromagnetic waves by dielectric structures
=== '''Honors''' ===
Awards and Recognitions
{| class="wikitable"
|Nicky  Chau-Chun Lu (盧超群)
|IEEE David O. Pederson Award in Solid State  Circuits, "For pioneering contributions to high speed dynamic memory  design and cell technology"
| 1988<br>
| 張俊彥*
|Morris  Chang (張忠謀)
| Chun-Yen Chang  
|IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal, "For his  vision and leadership in pioneering the silicon integrated circuit foundry  industry"
| 交通大學 <br>電子系
| 教授
| For contributions to semiconductor device development and to education
| 1989
| 李家同
|Taiwan  Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition
| Richard C. T. Lee
|"For pioneering and realizing the  dedicated IC wafer fabrication business thereby leading worldwide to numerous  fabless IC companies"
| 暨南大學 <br>資訊系
| 教授
| For contributions computer engineering education
| 1990
| 鄧端理
|Communication  Society Taipei Chapter
| Denny Duan Lee Tang
|IEEE ComSoc Chapter Achievement Awards (CCA)  and 2007 ComSoc Chapter of the Year (CoY) Award
| 台積電
| For contributions to the design and scaling of high-speed silicon bipolar devices
| 1991
| 盧超群
|Hsi-Tseng  Chou (周錫增)
| Nicky Chau-Chun Lu
|R10 Outstanding Branch counselor award 2007,  “For outstanding contributions to the growth of student branches in Asia-Pacific”
| 鈺創科技
| 董事長
| For contributions to semiconductor memory design and technology
| <br>1992
| 李德財
|Burn  Jeng Lin (林本堅)
| Der Tsai Lee
|IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, "For contributions to immersion lithography for the manufacture of integrated  circuit devices"
| 中央研究院 <br>資訊所
| 所長
| For contributions to computational geometry and design and analysis of algorithms
| &nbsp;<br>1992
| 羅仁權
|Fang-Chen Luo(羅方禎)
| Ren-Chyuan Luo  
|2011 IEEE  Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal
| 台灣大學 <br>電機系
| 教授
"For pioneering contributions to thin-film-transistor (TFT)  liquid-crystal displays"
| For contributions to intelligent sensors and robotics
| 1993
| 李琳山
|Morris Chang(張忠謀)
| Lin-Shan Lee
|2011 IEEE  Medal of Honor
| 台灣大學 <br>電機系
| 教授
"For outstanding leadership in the semiconductor industry"
| For contributions to computer voice input/output techniques for Mandarin Chinese and to engineering education
| 1994
| 張進福
|Chih-Yuan (C.Y.) Lu(盧志遠)
| Jin-Fu Chang
|IEEE Frederik  Philips Award
| 行政院
| 政務委員
"For leadrship and contributions to reseach, development, and indusrial  alliances in semiconductor techonolgy"
| For contributions to research and education in computer communications
|Antennas & Propagation Society Taipei Chapter
|2012 IEEE APS  Best Chapter Award
|Burn J. Lin(林本堅)
|IEEE Jun-ichi  Nishizawa Medal
"For contributons to lithographic manufacturing, including immersion  lithography"
|John H. Lau(劉漢誠)
|IEEE  Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Techonology Award
"For contributions to the literature in advanced solder materials,  manufacturing for highly reliable eletronic products, and education in  advanced packaging"
|C. L. Liu(劉炯朗)
|IEEE Gustav  Robert Kirchhoff Award
"For seminal, long-lasting contributions to design automation for  circuits and systems"
Sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems
|Hsi-Tseng Chou(周錫增)
|IEEE Undergraduate  Teaching Award
"For inspirational teaching and innovations in undergraduate engineering  education"
|Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society Taipei  Chapter
|2015 IEEE SMC  Best Chapter Award
|IEEE Taipei Section
|2015  Outstanding Section Membership Retention Performance
=== '''Fellows & Contributions''' ===
 (* Life Fellow)
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|[null 1977]
Simon M. Sze
|For contributions to semiconductor device research and to education
Chao-Han Liu
|For contributions to wave propagation in the ionosphere and to  engineering education
Song-Tsuen Peng
|For contributions to the scattering and guidance of electromagnetic  waves by dielectric structures
Chun-Yen  Chang
|For contributions to semiconductor  device development and to education
Richard  C. T. Lee
|For contributions computer engineering  education
Denny  Duan Lee Tang
|For contributions to the design and  scaling of high-speed silicon bipolar devices
Nicky  Chau-Chun Lu
|For contributions to semiconductor  memory design and technology
Der  Tsai Lee
|For contributions to computational  geometry and design and analysis of algorithms
Ren-Chyuan  Luo
|For contributions to intelligent sensors  and robotics
Lin-Shan  Lee
|For contributions to computer voice  input/output techniques for Mandarin Chinese and to engineering education
Jin-Fu  Chang
|For contributions to research and  education in computer communications
Wen-Tsuen  Chen
|清華大學 資工系
|For contributions to software  engineering and parallel processing systems design
Genda  J. Hu
|FocalTech Systems
|For contributions to the  understanding and solutions to the latchup phenomenon in CMOS VLSI
Ching-Te  Chuang
|交通大學 電子系
|For contributions to high-performance  bipolar devices, circuits, and technology
Tiao-Yuan  Huang
|交通大學 電子所
|For invention and demonstration of  fully-over-lapped lightly-doped-drain MOS transistors
Chih-Yuan  Lu
|For contributions to semiconductor  technology, and for leadership in the growth if the Taiwan integrated circuit  industry
Jane  Win-Shih Liu
|中央研究院 資訊所
|For contributions to real-time task  scheduling methods for computing systems
Bing  J Sheu
|For contributions to signal processing  and neural network systems using VLSI processors
Chun-Hsiung  Chen
|台灣大學 電機系
|For contributions to the development of  variational and other numerical methods applied to coplanar waveguides and  various other structures
Che-Ho  Wei
|交通大學 電子系 
|For contributions to circuits and  systems for communication and signal processing
Kwo-Ray  Chu
|清華大學 物理系
|For contributions to the basic  understanding of relativistic electron cyclotron interaction with  electromagnetic waves and development of high power radiation sources based  on such interactions
Tsu-Tian  Lee
|For contributions to the analysis and  control of walking robots and leadership in robotics engineering education
Chung-Yu  Wu
|For contributions to implementation of  analog neural network integrated circuits
Ching-Kuang  Clive Tzuang
|台灣大學 電機系
|For contributions to the analysis and  design of complex wave guiding structures and the design of integrated  leaky-mode arrays
James  B Kuo
|台灣大學 電機系
|For contributions to modeling CMOS VLSI  devices
Chien-Ping  Lee
|交通大學 奈米科技中心
|For contributions to  optoelectronic integrated circuits and compound semiconductor devices and  technology
Soo-Chang  Pei
|台灣大學 資電學院
|For contributions to the development of  digital eigenfilter design, color image coding and signal compression, and to  electrical engineering education in Taiwan
Yuan-Chen  Sun
|台積電 研究發展
|For contributions to advanced CMOS  technology
Sy-Yen  Kuo
|台灣大學 電機系
|For contributions to dependable  computing and software reliability engineering
Liang-Gee  Chen
|台灣大學 電機系
|For contributions to algorithm and  architecture design for video coding systems
Wei  Hwang
|交通大學 電子與資訊研究中心
|For contributions to high density cell  technology and high speed Dynamic Random Access Memory design
Hsueh-Ming  Hang
|交通大學 電子系
|For contributions to video compression  algorithms and systems
Tseung-Yuen  Tseng
|交通大學 電子系
|For contributions to ceramic capacitor  and sensor technologies
Shing-Tsaan  Huang
|中央大學 資訊系
|For contributions to parallel and  distributed computing
Si-Chen  Lee
|For contributions to heterojunction  bipolar transistor technology in low noise and high gain applications
Burn  Jeng Lin
|For contributions to lithography  theory, tooling, masks, and fabrication technology
Yi-Bing  Jason Lin
|交通大學 資訊學院
|For contributions to the design and  modeling of mobile telecommunications networks and leadership in personal  communications services education
Homer  H Chen
|台灣大學 電信所
|For contributions to the development of  technology and standards for digital image and video coding
Dan  Y Chen
|台灣大學 電機系
|For contributions to the basic  understanding of switching power supplies
Cheng-Wen  Wu
|清華大學 電機系
|For contributions to design and test of  array structures
Cheng-Shang  Chang
|清華大學 電機系
|For contributions to the theory of  providing performance guarantees in communication networks
Dau-Chyrh  Chang
|亞東技術學院 通訊技術中心
|For technical leadership in antenna  design and measurement systems
Ming-Syan  Chen
|台灣大學 電機系 
|For contributions to algorithms for  query processing and data management in parallel and distributed systems
Li-Chen  Fu
|台灣大學 電機/資訊系
|For contributions to robotic control and  computer-integrated manufacturing systems
Jingshown  Wu
|台灣大學 電機系
|For leadership in higher education and  wireless industry development
Chin-Teng  Lin
|For contributions to biologically  inspired information systems
Yung-Chang  Chen
|清華大學 電機系
|For contributions to low bit rate  modeling based coding
Jing-Yang  Jou
|交通大學 台灣聯合大學系統
|For contributions to the computer aided  design of digital circuits

Chung-Ju  Chang
|交通大學 電信系
|For contributions to radio  resource management for mobile communication systems

Huei  Wang
|台灣大學 電信所 
|For contributions to broadband and  millimeter-wave monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) and  radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs)

== Section Document Archive ==
Wen-Lian Hsu
|中央研究院 資訊所
|For contributions to natural language  systems and bioinformatics

===== Annual Report (excerpts) =====
Steve  S. Chung
|For contributions to reliability  in ultra-thin-oxide complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices

Shaw-Min  Lei
|For contributions to video and image  coding standards

[ Taipei Section_Annual Report 2008.pdf 2008]
Mong-Song  Liang
|For contributions to semiconductor  manufacturing technologies

Bao-Shuh  Lin
|工研院 資訊與通訊所
|For leadership in technology and  industry development of broadband information network and digital video

Kwang-Cheng  Chen
|台灣大學 電信所 
|For contributions to wireless broadband  communications and wireless local area networks

Kun-Shan  Chen
|中央大學 太空遙測中心
|For contributions to remote sensing  image and signal processing

Mu-Der  Jeng
|海洋大學 電機系
|For applications of Petri nets to  semiconductor manufacturing automation

Wen-June  Wang
|中央大學 電機系
|For contributions to the design and  development of fuzzy systems and theorems

Chi-Hsu  Wang
|交通大學 電機與控制系
|For contrbutions to fuzzy logic, neural  networks and intelligent control

Ja-Ling  Wu
|台灣大學 資訊系 
|For contributions to image and video  analysis, coding, digital watermarking, and rights management

Pai-Chi  Lee
|台灣大學 生醫電子與資訊所
|For contribution to ultrasonic imaging  technologies

===== Newsletter =====
Chorng-K Wang
|台灣大學 電子所
|For contributions to communications  circuit design and for leadership in promoting the profession

Ming-Dou  Ker
|交通大學 電子所
|For contributions to electrostatic  protection in integrated circuits, and performance optimization of VLSI  micro-systems

Taipei Section E-NEWS
Minghwei  Hong
|清華大學 材料系
|For contributions to III-V  semiconductor MOSFET transistors

Jyuo-Min  Shyu
|清華大學 資訊系
|For leadership in the microelectronics  industry

Fan-Tien  Cheng
|成功大學 E化製造研究中心
|For contributions to semiconductor  manufacturing automation and force optimization in multiple-chain robotic mechanisms

[ <font color="#0000ff">Issue 2, July 30</font>]
Han-Ping  Shieh
|交通大學 光電系
|For leadership in the display and  optical data storage industries

[ Issue 1, May 26]
Char-Dir  Chung
|For leadership in the broadband wireless  communications industry

Shen-Li  Fu
|For contributions to electronic  packaging research and education

Jang-Ping  Sheu
|For contributions to mobile computing  and parallel processing

Chi-Kuang  Sun
|For contributions to high resolution  medical microscopy and nano ultrasonic imaging

R10 Newsletter
Jean-Lien  Chen
|For leadership in information and  communication education

Long-Sheng  Fan
|For contributions to Micro  Electro-Mechanical Systems

Powen  Hsu
|For leadership in electrical engineering  education
|Ching-Wen  Hsue
|For contribution to discrete-time signal  processing in microwave engineering

Wanjiun  Liao
|For contributions to communication  protocols in multimedia networking

Chih-Min  (Jimmy) Lin
|For contributions to fuzzy system,  neural network, and cerebellar model articulation controllers

Supplement (Jul.)
Ching-Fuh  Lin
|For contributions to broadband  semiconductor optical devices

[ June]
Shen-Iuan  Liu
|For contributions to high-speed  phase-locked and delay-locked loop circuit design

[ March]
Rich  Liu
|For leadership in electron-beam mask  writing, interconnects, and non-volatile technology development

Shun-Feng  Su
|For contributions to computational  intelligence and intelligent control

Ruey-Beei  Wu
|For contributions to coplanar waveguide  passive components

[ Newsletter_Dec 2008.pdf December]
=== '''Contribution of NCTU''' ===
In 1977, the Nano Facility Center Building on Po-Ai Campus was officially recognized by the Ministry of Education. If then began to carry out the national large-scale electronics research project which helped push the semiconductor industry into prosperity. In 1998, the NFC encouraged the domestication of equipment in order to help the domestic equipment industry develop and research new materials and new manufacturing instruments including the high density plasma chemical vapor deposition and the high density plasma reactive ion etching. Therefore, the Nano Facility Center of the National Chiao Tung University can be taken as "the cradle of elites in the semiconductor industry" in the Republic of China.

Supplement (Sep.)
In recent years, the semiconductor industry has been one of the main cornerstones of economic development in the Republic of China. Nowadays, in the midst of rapid development and with keen competition among enterprises, technological education in technology is of paramount importance. The Nano Facility Center at National Chiao Tung University, which has long been one of the best domestic Semiconductor laboratories in terms of equipment and manpower, will continue to seek prominence by providing the best education, training, and services in semiconductor technology in order to further the research and industrial development in this field.

=== '''Development of NCTU''' ===
{| class="wikitable"
|Established the  first Institute of Electronics in Taiwan
|Established the  first transistor laboratory in Taiwan
|Demonstrated the  first point contact transistor
|Established the  first Semiconductor Laboratory in Taiwan
|Fabricated  the first planar bipolar transistor in Taiwan
|Fabricated  the first integrated circuit in Taiwan
|Produced  the first Ph. D in Engineering in Taiwan
|National Chiao Tung  University published the most papers in IEEE ED and EDL among all research  organizations worldwide

=== '''Introduction of Semiconductor Research Center''' ===
Since 1960, the beginning of the semiconductor evolution in Taiwan, National Chiao Tung University has been soliciting experts at home and abroad to committed to furthering the research, development, and education in this field. Far-Eastern Electronics and the National Telecommunications Training Center was first established at National Chiao Tung University with the support from United Nations Special Foundation. This center then gradually developed into the present Nano Facility Center (NFC). With scholars' wholehearted devotion, they have helped not only elevate the high technology in this field, but also produce highly-trained professionals. It is no wonder that so many of the prominent executives in semiconductor industry are Chiao Tung alumni.

The main objective of this center is to educate hi-tech professionals for whom there is a great demanded both in academic and industrial fields. This will consequently promote academic research in electronics and further the development of the IC industry. Furthermore, other prior research has been conduced in communications, displays, power devices, micro optics, and micro electromechanical systems, packaging and testing. In the future, the NFC will cooperate with the NDL to continue developing submicron technology to support more advanced research, training, education, and services.

=== '''Development of Semiconductor Research Center''' ===
{| class="wikitable"
|Established Vacuum Laboratory.
|Established the first Semiconductor Laboratory in  the Republic of China.
|Fabricated the first planar bipolar transistor in  the Republic of China, and established Semiconductor Research Center (1st  Generation).
|Fabricated the first integrated circuit in the  Republic of China.
|Produced the first Ph. D in Engineering in the  Republic of China.
|Built Semiconductor Research Center Building on  Po-Ai Campus (2nd Generation) and officially recognized by the Ministry of  Education, Carried out the national large-scale electronics research project,  which helped pushing the semiconductor industry into prosperity.
|Established Semiconductor Equipment Center by the  support from National Science Council.
|Started to plan a new laboratory building on  Kuang-Fu Campus to support National Nano Device Laboratory (NDL) of National  Science Council (NSC) and Semiconductor Research Center (SRC) of National  Chiao Tung University (NCTU).
|Semiconductor Research Center moved to new  Solid-State Electronics Building on Kuang-Fu Campus (3rd Generation) and  National Nano Device Laboratory started to operate.
|National Chiao Tung University published the most  papers in the world in IEEE ED and EDL among all research organizations.
|Demonstrated 1-um technology capability in the lab.  to celebrate the centennial birthday of National Chiao Tung University.
|The research policy of SRC is focusing in 1-um  technology also with its wide range application that will co-operate with NDL  to service overall semiconductor industry.
|Remodeling SRC building in Po-Ai campus for  installing the TFT/LCD research center as the subdivision of SRC.
|SRC and Charles Evans and Associates (CE&A)  establish the premier surface analysis laboratory.
|Finished remodeling SRC building on Po-Ai Campus,  and established 「Flat Panel Display Laboratory」and 「Micro-Optic-Electr-Mechanical( MOEM) Laboratory 」in this building.
|Established 「Nanotechnology Laboratory」to support researches supervised by 「Center for Nano Science and Technology」.
|Semiconductor Research Center was officially  entitled 「Nano  Facility Center」in February.

Latest revision as of 21:17, 13 December 2023

IEEE Taipei Section History
Established date 1974
IEEE Region 10
IEEE Council China
Geographic region Taipei
Region area
Principal cities
Home page
List of Subsections in this Section

IEEE Taipei Section

Section Chair Name :  Yi-Bing Lin

Year Started : 1974

Current member strength :

·        35 Chapters

·        20 Student Branches

·        Affinity Group: Women in Engineering, Young Professionals

·        over 2500 active members

Section’s history

The IEEE Taipei Section was established in 1974. It is the sixth section established in R10. There are over 2500 active members in the year 2018, 35 Chapters have been formed and actively functioning. In 2009, Taipei Section received IEEE Outstanding Large Section Award.

The IEEE Chapters in Taipei cooperate with the local government, industries, and the academia on various technical conferences and other activities that significantly vitalize the dynamics of the industry in Taiwan. Regular meetings of the Section officers are held to sparkle ideas and plans for activities that will further enhance the activeness of this Section.

With Taiwan's growing importance in the global high tech industry, the IEEE Taipei Section and its Chapters as well as Student branches endeavor to contribute to the advancement of the prosperity of its community through activities that provide professional information exchanges and stimulate technological innovations.

Section Officers

Year Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer
1974-75 林樂基

Lok Lin

1977-79 郭德盛

Te-Son Kuo

1979-80 方賢齊

Hien-Chee Fang


Ting-I Ho


Ting-Shiun Wen


Lok Lin

1981-82 何宜慈

Irvine T Ho


Ching C Hsieh


Te-Son Kuo


Yinn-Nien Huang


Pao-Sun Lu

1983-84 何宜慈

Irvine T Ho


Te-Son Kuo


Ching C Hsieh


Pao-Sun Lu

1984-85 謝清俊

Ching C Hsieh


Chintay Shih


Lin-Shan Lee

陸寶蓀 Pao-Sun Lu
1984-87 史欽泰

Chintay Shih


Richard C Lee


Lin-Shan Lee


Lin-Shan Lee

1987-88 李家同

Richard C Lee


Chintay Shih


Lin-Shan Lee


Lin-Shan Lee

1989-90 李琳山

Lin-Shan Lee

N/A 張俊彥

Chun-Yen Chang

1991-92 張俊彥

Chun-Yen Chang


Hsiao C Wang


Chung-Yu Wu


Chein-Wei Jen


Wen Zen Shen

1993-94 魏哲和

Che-Ho Wei


Hsiao C Wang


Chuen-Shen Shung


Wen Zen Shen

1995-96 吳重雨

Chung-Yu Wu


Hsiao C Wang


Yang Tung Huang


Wen Zen Shen


Frances C Su

1997-99 王小川

Hsiao C Wang


Jingshown Wu


Chi-Chao CHao


Frances C Su

2000-01 吳靜雄

Jingshown Wu


Nicky C Lu


Kwang-Cheng Chen


Shi-Chung Chang

2002 沈文仁

Wen Zen Shen


Jyuo-Min Shyu


Jing-Yang Jou


Shyh-Jong Chung

2003-04 徐爵民

Jyuo-Min Shyu


Jhing F Wang


Shih-Chieh Chang


Shi-Yu Huang

2005-06 林寶樹

Bao-Shuh P Lin


Liang-Gee Chen


Ginkou Ma


Tzung-Pao Lin

2007-08 吳瑞北

Ruey-Beei Wu


Chung-Ju Chang


Char-Dir Chung


Tzong-Lin Wu

2009-10 林進燈

Chin-Teng Lin


Ginkou Ma


Paul C.-P. Chao


Li-Chun Wang

2011-12 郭斯彥

Sy-Yen Kuo


San-Liang Lee


Shun-Feng Su


Shyue-Kung Lu

[null 2012-]



Tsu-Tian Lee 


Shun-Feng Su


Ying-Yi Hong


Cheng-Yuan Chang


Yuh-Shyan Hwang"






Chin-Liang Wang


Wen-June Wang


Jing-Jia Liu


Yuh-Ren Tsai






Yi-Bing Lin


Ming-Dou Ker


Chung-Chih Hung


Chun-Cheng Lin

2018 Jason Yi-Bing Lin Ming-Dou Ker Chung-Chih Hung Chun-Cheng Lin
2019 Meng-Fan Chang Kea-Tiong Tang Tsung-Yi Ho Ren-Shuo Liu
2020 Meng-Fan Chang Kea-Tiong Tang Tsung-Yi Ho Ren-Shuo Liu
2021 Kea-Tiong Tang Yao-Win Hong Tsung-Yi Ho Ren-Shuo Liu


Awards and Recognitions

1998 Nicky Chau-Chun Lu (盧超群) IEEE David O. Pederson Award in Solid State Circuits, "For pioneering contributions to high speed dynamic memory design and cell technology"
2000 Morris Chang (張忠謀) IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal, "For his vision and leadership in pioneering the silicon integrated circuit foundry industry"
2002 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Corporate Innovation Recognition "For pioneering and realizing the dedicated IC wafer fabrication business thereby leading worldwide to numerous fabless IC companies"
2007 Communication Society Taipei Chapter IEEE ComSoc Chapter Achievement Awards (CCA) and 2007 ComSoc Chapter of the Year (CoY) Award
2007 Hsi-Tseng Chou (周錫增) R10 Outstanding Branch counselor award 2007, “For outstanding contributions to the growth of student branches in Asia-Pacific”
2009 Burn Jeng Lin (林本堅) IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, "For contributions to immersion lithography for the manufacture of integrated circuit devices"
2011 Fang-Chen Luo(羅方禎) 2011 IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal

"For pioneering contributions to thin-film-transistor (TFT) liquid-crystal displays"

2011 Morris Chang(張忠謀) 2011 IEEE Medal of Honor

"For outstanding leadership in the semiconductor industry"

2012 Chih-Yuan (C.Y.) Lu(盧志遠) IEEE Frederik Philips Award

"For leadrship and contributions to reseach, development, and indusrial alliances in semiconductor techonolgy"

2012 Antennas & Propagation Society Taipei Chapter 2012 IEEE APS Best Chapter Award
2013 Burn J. Lin(林本堅) IEEE Jun-ichi Nishizawa Medal

"For contributons to lithographic manufacturing, including immersion lithography"

2013 John H. Lau(劉漢誠) IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Techonology Award

"For contributions to the literature in advanced solder materials, manufacturing for highly reliable eletronic products, and education in advanced packaging"

2014 C. L. Liu(劉炯朗) IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award

"For seminal, long-lasting contributions to design automation for circuits and systems"

Sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems

2014 Hsi-Tseng Chou(周錫增) IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award

"For inspirational teaching and innovations in undergraduate engineering education"

2015 Systems, Man, & Cybernetics Society Taipei Chapter 2015 IEEE SMC Best Chapter Award
2015 IEEE Taipei Section 2015 Outstanding Section Membership Retention Performance

Fellows & Contributions

 (* Life Fellow)

Year Name Service Title Contribution
[null 1977] 施敏*

Simon M. Sze

中央研究院 院士 For contributions to semiconductor device research and to education
1981 劉兆漢*

Chao-Han Liu

中央大學 教授 For contributions to wave propagation in the ionosphere and to engineering education
1988 彭松村

Song-Tsuen Peng

元智大學 通訊研究中心主任 For contributions to the scattering and guidance of electromagnetic waves by dielectric structures
1988 張俊彥*

Chun-Yen Chang



教授 For contributions to semiconductor device development and to education
1989 李家同

Richard C. T. Lee



教授 For contributions computer engineering education
1990 鄧端理

Denny Duan Lee Tang

台積電 For contributions to the design and scaling of high-speed silicon bipolar devices
1991 盧超群

Nicky Chau-Chun Lu

鈺創科技 董事長 For contributions to semiconductor memory design and technology



Der Tsai Lee



所長 For contributions to computational geometry and design and analysis of algorithms



Ren-Chyuan Luo



教授 For contributions to intelligent sensors and robotics
1993 李琳山

Lin-Shan Lee



教授 For contributions to computer voice input/output techniques for Mandarin Chinese and to engineering education
1994 張進福

Jin-Fu Chang

行政院 政務委員 For contributions to research and education in computer communications
1994 陳文村

Wen-Tsuen Chen

清華大學 資工系 教授兼校長 For contributions to software engineering and parallel processing systems design
1994 胡正大

Genda J. Hu

FocalTech Systems 執行長 For contributions to the understanding and solutions to the latchup phenomenon in CMOS VLSI
1994 莊景德

Ching-Te Chuang

交通大學 電子系 教授 For contributions to high-performance bipolar devices, circuits, and technology
1995 黃調元

Tiao-Yuan Huang

交通大學 電子所 教授 For invention and demonstration of fully-over-lapped lightly-doped-drain MOS transistors
1995 盧志遠

Chih-Yuan Lu

旺宏電子 總經理 For contributions to semiconductor technology, and for leadership in the growth if the Taiwan integrated circuit industry
1995 劉張詩韻

Jane Win-Shih Liu

中央研究院 資訊所 講座研究員 For contributions to real-time task scheduling methods for computing systems
1996 許炳堅

Bing J Sheu

台積電 設計暨技術平台專案處長 For contributions to signal processing and neural network systems using VLSI processors
1996 陳俊雄

Chun-Hsiung Chen

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to the development of variational and other numerical methods applied to coplanar waveguides and various other structures
1996 魏哲和

Che-Ho Wei

交通大學 電子系  教授 For contributions to circuits and systems for communication and signal processing
1997 朱國瑞

Kwo-Ray Chu

清華大學 物理系 教授 For contributions to the basic understanding of relativistic electron cyclotron interaction with electromagnetic waves and development of high power radiation sources based on such interactions
1997 李祖添

Tsu-Tian Lee

台北科技大學  校長 For contributions to the analysis and control of walking robots and leadership in robotics engineering education
1998 吳重雨

Chung-Yu Wu

交通大學 校長 For contributions to implementation of analog neural network integrated circuits
1999 莊晴光

Ching-Kuang Clive Tzuang

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to the analysis and design of complex wave guiding structures and the design of integrated leaky-mode arrays
2000 郭正邦

James B Kuo

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to modeling CMOS VLSI devices
2000 李建平

Chien-Ping Lee

交通大學 奈米科技中心 主任 For contributions to optoelectronic integrated circuits and compound semiconductor devices and technology
2000 貝蘇章

Soo-Chang Pei

台灣大學 資電學院 院長 For contributions to the development of digital eigenfilter design, color image coding and signal compression, and to electrical engineering education in Taiwan
2000 孫元成

Yuan-Chen Sun

台積電 研究發展 資深處長 For contributions to advanced CMOS technology
2001 郭斯彥

Sy-Yen Kuo

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to dependable computing and software reliability engineering
2001 陳良基

Liang-Gee Chen

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to algorithm and architecture design for video coding systems
2001 黃威

Wei Hwang

交通大學 電子與資訊研究中心 主任 For contributions to high density cell technology and high speed Dynamic Random Access Memory design
2002 杭學嗚

Hsueh-Ming Hang

交通大學 電子系 教授 For contributions to video compression algorithms and systems
2002 曾俊元

Tseung-Yuen Tseng

交通大學 電子系 教授 For contributions to ceramic capacitor and sensor technologies
2002 黃興燦

Shing-Tsaan Huang

中央大學 資訊系 教授 For contributions to parallel and distributed computing
2002 李嗣涔

Si-Chen Lee

台灣大學  校長 For contributions to heterojunction bipolar transistor technology in low noise and high gain applications
2003 林本堅*

Burn Jeng Lin

台積電 資深處長 For contributions to lithography theory, tooling, masks, and fabrication technology
2003 林一平

Yi-Bing Jason Lin

交通大學 資訊學院 院長 For contributions to the design and modeling of mobile telecommunications networks and leadership in personal communications services education
2003 陳宏銘

Homer H Chen

台灣大學 電信所 教授 For contributions to the development of technology and standards for digital image and video coding
2003 陳德玉

Dan Y Chen

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to the basic understanding of switching power supplies
2004 吳誠文

Cheng-Wen Wu

清華大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to design and test of array structures
2004 張正尚

Cheng-Shang Chang

清華大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to the theory of providing performance guarantees in communication networks
2004 張道治

Dau-Chyrh Chang

亞東技術學院 通訊技術中心 主任 For technical leadership in antenna design and measurement systems
2004 陳銘憲

Ming-Syan Chen

台灣大學 電機系  教授 For contributions to algorithms for query processing and data management in parallel and distributed systems
2004 傅立成

Li-Chen Fu

台灣大學 電機/資訊系 教授 For contributions to robotic control and computer-integrated manufacturing systems
2005 吳靜雄*

Jingshown Wu

台灣大學 電機系 教授 For leadership in higher education and wireless industry development
2005 林進燈

Chin-Teng Lin

交通大學  教務長 For contributions to biologically inspired information systems
2005 陳永昌

Yung-Chang Chen

清華大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to low bit rate modeling based coding
2005 周景揚

Jing-Yang Jou

交通大學 台灣聯合大學系統 副校長 For contributions to the computer aided design of digital circuits
2006 張仲儒

Chung-Ju Chang

交通大學 電信系 教授 For contributions to radio resource management for mobile communication systems
2006 王暉

Huei Wang

台灣大學 電信所  所長 For contributions to broadband and millimeter-wave monolithic millimeter-wave integrated circuits (MMICs) and radio frequency integrated circuits (RFICs)
2006 許聞廉

Wen-Lian Hsu

中央研究院 資訊所 特聘研究員 For contributions to natural language systems and bioinformatics
2006 莊紹勳

Steve S. Chung

交通大學 講座教授 For contributions to reliability in ultra-thin-oxide complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices
2006 雷少民

Shaw-Min Lei

聯發科技股份有限公司   For contributions to video and image coding standards
2006 梁孟松

Mong-Song Liang

台積電  資深處長 For contributions to semiconductor manufacturing technologies
2007 林寶樹

Bao-Shuh Lin

工研院 資訊與通訊所 所長 For leadership in technology and industry development of broadband information network and digital video
2007 陳光禎

Kwang-Cheng Chen

台灣大學 電信所  教授 For contributions to wireless broadband communications and wireless local area networks
2007 陳錕山

Kun-Shan Chen

中央大學 太空遙測中心 教授 For contributions to remote sensing image and signal processing
2007 鄭慕德

Mu-Der Jeng

海洋大學 電機系 For applications of Petri nets to semiconductor manufacturing automation
2008 王文俊

Wen-June Wang

中央大學 電機系 教授 For contributions to the design and development of fuzzy systems and theorems
2008 王啟旭

Chi-Hsu Wang

交通大學 電機與控制系 教授 For contrbutions to fuzzy logic, neural networks and intelligent control
2008 吳家麟

Ja-Ling Wu

台灣大學 資訊系  教授 For contributions to image and video analysis, coding, digital watermarking, and rights management
2008 李百祺

Pai-Chi Lee

台灣大學 生醫電子與資訊所 所長 For contribution to ultrasonic imaging technologies
2008 汪重光

Chorng-K Wang

台灣大學 電子所 教授 For contributions to communications circuit design and for leadership in promoting the profession
2008 柯明道

Ming-Dou Ker

交通大學 電子所 教授 For contributions to electrostatic protection in integrated circuits, and performance optimization of VLSI micro-systems
2008 洪銘輝

Minghwei Hong

清華大學 材料系 教授 For contributions to III-V semiconductor MOSFET transistors
2008 徐爵民

Jyuo-Min Shyu

清華大學 資訊系 教授 For leadership in the microelectronics industry
2008 鄭芳田

Fan-Tien Cheng

成功大學 E化製造研究中心 主任 For contributions to semiconductor manufacturing automation and force optimization in multiple-chain robotic mechanisms
2008 謝漢萍

Han-Ping Shieh

交通大學 光電系 教授 For leadership in the display and optical data storage industries
2009 鐘嘉德

Char-Dir Chung

台灣大學 教授 For leadership in the broadband wireless communications industry
2009 傅勝利

Shen-Li Fu

義守大學 教授 For contributions to electronic packaging research and education
2009 許建平

Jang-Ping Sheu

清華大學 教授 For contributions to mobile computing and parallel processing
2009 孫啟光

Chi-Kuang Sun

台灣大學 教授 For contributions to high resolution medical microscopy and nano ultrasonic imaging
2009 陳金蓮

Jean-Lien Chen

台灣科技大學 教授 For leadership in information and communication education
2010 范龍生

Long-Sheng Fan

清華大學 教授 For contributions to Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
2010 許博文

Powen Hsu

台灣大學 教授 For leadership in electrical engineering education
2010 Ching-Wen Hsue 台灣科技大學 For contribution to discrete-time signal processing in microwave engineering
2010 廖婉君

Wanjiun Liao

台灣大學 教授 For contributions to communication protocols in multimedia networking
2010 林志民

Chih-Min (Jimmy) Lin

元智大學 教授 For contributions to fuzzy system, neural network, and cerebellar model articulation controllers
2010 林清富

Ching-Fuh Lin

台灣大學 教授 For contributions to broadband semiconductor optical devices
2010 劉深淵

Shen-Iuan Liu

台灣大學 教授 For contributions to high-speed phase-locked and delay-locked loop circuit design
2010 劉瑞琛

Rich Liu

旺宏電子 副總 For leadership in electron-beam mask writing, interconnects, and non-volatile technology development
2010 蘇順豐

Shun-Feng Su

台灣科技大學 教授 For contributions to computational intelligence and intelligent control
2010 吳瑞北

Ruey-Beei Wu

台灣大學 教授 For contributions to coplanar waveguide passive components


Contribution of NCTU

In 1977, the Nano Facility Center Building on Po-Ai Campus was officially recognized by the Ministry of Education. If then began to carry out the national large-scale electronics research project which helped push the semiconductor industry into prosperity. In 1998, the NFC encouraged the domestication of equipment in order to help the domestic equipment industry develop and research new materials and new manufacturing instruments including the high density plasma chemical vapor deposition and the high density plasma reactive ion etching. Therefore, the Nano Facility Center of the National Chiao Tung University can be taken as "the cradle of elites in the semiconductor industry" in the Republic of China.

In recent years, the semiconductor industry has been one of the main cornerstones of economic development in the Republic of China. Nowadays, in the midst of rapid development and with keen competition among enterprises, technological education in technology is of paramount importance. The Nano Facility Center at National Chiao Tung University, which has long been one of the best domestic Semiconductor laboratories in terms of equipment and manpower, will continue to seek prominence by providing the best education, training, and services in semiconductor technology in order to further the research and industrial development in this field.

Development of NCTU

1958 Established the first Institute of Electronics in Taiwan
1963 Established the first transistor laboratory in Taiwan
1963 Demonstrated the first point contact transistor
1964 Established the first Semiconductor Laboratory in Taiwan
1965 Fabricated the first planar bipolar transistor in Taiwan
1966 Fabricated the first integrated circuit in Taiwan
1970 Produced the first Ph. D in Engineering in Taiwan
1995 National Chiao Tung University published the most papers in IEEE ED and EDL among all research organizations worldwide

Introduction of Semiconductor Research Center

Since 1960, the beginning of the semiconductor evolution in Taiwan, National Chiao Tung University has been soliciting experts at home and abroad to committed to furthering the research, development, and education in this field. Far-Eastern Electronics and the National Telecommunications Training Center was first established at National Chiao Tung University with the support from United Nations Special Foundation. This center then gradually developed into the present Nano Facility Center (NFC). With scholars' wholehearted devotion, they have helped not only elevate the high technology in this field, but also produce highly-trained professionals. It is no wonder that so many of the prominent executives in semiconductor industry are Chiao Tung alumni.

The main objective of this center is to educate hi-tech professionals for whom there is a great demanded both in academic and industrial fields. This will consequently promote academic research in electronics and further the development of the IC industry. Furthermore, other prior research has been conduced in communications, displays, power devices, micro optics, and micro electromechanical systems, packaging and testing. In the future, the NFC will cooperate with the NDL to continue developing submicron technology to support more advanced research, training, education, and services.

Development of Semiconductor Research Center

1963 Established Vacuum Laboratory.
1964 Established the first Semiconductor Laboratory in the Republic of China.
1965 Fabricated the first planar bipolar transistor in the Republic of China, and established Semiconductor Research Center (1st Generation).
1966 Fabricated the first integrated circuit in the Republic of China.
1970 Produced the first Ph. D in Engineering in the Republic of China.
1977 Built Semiconductor Research Center Building on Po-Ai Campus (2nd Generation) and officially recognized by the Ministry of Education, Carried out the national large-scale electronics research project, which helped pushing the semiconductor industry into prosperity.
1981 Established Semiconductor Equipment Center by the support from National Science Council.
1989 Started to plan a new laboratory building on Kuang-Fu Campus to support National Nano Device Laboratory (NDL) of National Science Council (NSC) and Semiconductor Research Center (SRC) of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU).
1992 Semiconductor Research Center moved to new Solid-State Electronics Building on Kuang-Fu Campus (3rd Generation) and National Nano Device Laboratory started to operate.
1995 National Chiao Tung University published the most papers in the world in IEEE ED and EDL among all research organizations.
1996 Demonstrated 1-um technology capability in the lab. to celebrate the centennial birthday of National Chiao Tung University.
1997 The research policy of SRC is focusing in 1-um technology also with its wide range application that will co-operate with NDL to service overall semiconductor industry.
1999 Remodeling SRC building in Po-Ai campus for installing the TFT/LCD research center as the subdivision of SRC.
2000 SRC and Charles Evans and Associates (CE&A) establish the premier surface analysis laboratory.
2001 Finished remodeling SRC building on Po-Ai Campus, and established 「Flat Panel Display Laboratory」and 「Micro-Optic-Electr-Mechanical( MOEM) Laboratory 」in this building.
2002 Established 「Nanotechnology Laboratory」to support researches supervised by 「Center for Nano Science and Technology」.
2003 Semiconductor Research Center was officially entitled 「Nano Facility Center」in February.