ETHW:Action Item Follow-ups

Revision as of 18:34, 13 March 2014 by Administrator5 (talk | contribs)

Code To whom assigned Deadline Item Description
10-2013-02 Feisel/Burger/Johnston/Colburn 11/2014 Pursue Milestone challenges
10-2013-05 Geselowitz 11/2014 Work with Region 8 on technical cosponsorship of HISTELCON 2015 (update due 11/2014)
10-2013-07 Feisel/Cooke/Geselowitz DONE Send letter to Verizon expressing concern for historic telephone murals in storage in Boston
10-2013-10 Geselowitz 11/2014 Work with Japan Council History Committee to explore history conference in Japan in 2017 (update due 11/2014)
10-2013-11 Geselowitz/Colburn/Johnston 11/2014 Pursue making proceedings of HISTELCON available on GHN
10-2013-13 Colburn/Geselowitz/Burger DONE Plan History Committee meeting for 8 - 9 March 2014 in Newark, NJ, USA
03-2014-01 Colburn 11/2014 Send to Committee links to historical articles
03-2014-02 Ruggieri/Bickart/Colburn 06/2014 Submit approved Milestones to IEEE BoD
03-2014-03 Kawamoto/Colburn 08/2014 Work with Beijing Section to finalize Abacus Milestone
03-2014-04 Burger/Geselowitz/Colburn 08/2014 Plan summer Committee teleconference to deal with Abacus, Interactive Video Game, and other Milestones as may arise