
Revision as of 13:36, 10 October 2008 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

Please complete the form below...


What is the name of the proposed milestone?{{#input:type=text|id=a1|size=30}}
What is the location of the proposed milestone? In what IEEE section does it reside?
What was the date of the work?{{#input:type=text|id=a3|size=30}}
What is the historical significance of the work (its technological, scientific, or social importance)?
What features set this work apart from similar achievements?
What obstacles (technical, political, geographic) needed to be overcome?
Describe briefly the intended site(s) of the milestone plaque(s). The intended site(s) must have a direct connection with the achievement (e.g. where developed, invented, tested, demonstrated, installed, or operated, etc.). A museum where a device or example of the technology is displayed, or the university where the inventor studied, are not, in themselves, sufficient connection for a milestone plaque.
Are the original buildings extant?
{{#input: type=radio

| id=a8y | name=a8

| value=Yes}} Yes
{{#input: type=radio

|id=a8n |name=a8

|value=No}} No
How is the site protected/secured, and in what ways is it accessible to the public?
Who is the present owner of the site(s)?{{#input:type=text|id=a10|size=30}}
Has the owner of the site agreed to have it designated as an Electrical Engineering Milestone?
{{#input: type=radio

| id=a11y | name=a11

| value=Yes}} Yes
{{#input: type=radio

|id=a11 |name=a11n

|value=No}} No
Please specify the IEEE Organizational Unit(s) which have agreed to sponsor the Milestone nomination, and list the contact information for the senior officer(s) from those OU(s).

Please specify the senior officer(s) of the IEEE Section(s) where the plaque(s) would be placed and supply contact information:
IEEE Section:{{#input:type=text|id=a13section|size=30}}
Position within Section:{{#input:type=text|id=a13position|size=30}}
Please specify the IEEE OU which will pay for the plaque(s) and provide the name and contact information of the officer of the OU with approval authority:
IEEE OU:{{#input:type=text|id=a14ou|size=30}}
Position within OU:{{#input:type=text|id=a14position|size=30}}

List the person(s) responsible within the organizational unit(s) for preparing the formal milestone nomination, and preparing the ceremonial events with publicity:

Dedication Ceremony and Publicity:
Proposed by:
 {{#input:type=submit|value=Submit Proposal|onClick=var missing; var myFields=new Array('a1','a2','a3','a4','a5','a6','a7','a8','a9','a10','a11','a12','a13','a13name','a13section','a13position','a13email','a14name','a14ou','a14position','a14email','a15Aname','a15Aemail','a15Aname2','a15Aemail2','a15Bname','a15Bemail','a15Bname2','a15Bemail2','a15Cname','a15Ctitle','a15Corg','a15Caddress','a15Cphone','a15Cemail',); for (x in myFields) if(!this.form[x].value && !missing) missing = this.form[x]; if (!document.getElementById('a8y').checked && !document.getElementById('a8n').checked) missing = this.form[a8]; if (!document.getElementById('a11y').checked && !document.getElementById('a11n').checked) missing = this.form[a11]; if (missing) alert('Please complete the entire form before submitting your proposal.'); if (missing) missing.focus(); if (missing) return false; this.form.title.value='Milestone-Proposal:'+this.form.a1.value; this.form.content.value='' + this.form.q1.value + '

' + this.form.a1.value + '

' + this.form.q2.value + '

' + this.form.a2.value + '

' + this.form.q3.value + '

' + this.form.a3.value + '

' + this.form.q4.value + '

' + this.form.a4.value + '

' + this.form.q5.value + '

' + this.form.a5.value + '

' + this.form.q6.value + '

' + this.form.a6.value + '

' + this.form.q7.value + '

' + this.form.a7.value + '

' + this.form.q8.value + '

' + this.form.a8.value + '

' + this.form.q9.value + '

' + this.form.a9.value + '

' + this.form.q10.value + '

' + this.form.a10.value + '

' + this.form.q11.value + '

' + this.form.a11.value + '

' + this.form.q12.value + '

' + this.form.a12.value + '

' + this.form.q13.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q13name.value + '
' + this.form.a13name.value + '
' + this.form.q13section.value + '
' + this.form.a13section.value + '
' + this.form.q13position.value + '
' + this.form.a13position.value + '
' + this.form.q13email.value + '
' + this.form.a13email.value + '

' + this.form.q14.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q14name.value + '
' + this.form.a14name.value + '
' + this.form.q14ou.value + '
' + this.form.a14ou.value + '
' + this.form.q14position.value + '
' + this.form.a14position.value + '
' + this.form.q14email.value + '
' + this.form.a14email.value + '

' + this.form.q15.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15A.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Aname.value + '
' + this.form.a15Aemail.value + '
' + this.form.q15Aname2.value + '
' + this.form.a15Aemail2.value + '

' + this.form.q15B.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Bname.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bname.value + '
' + this.form.q15Bemail.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bemail.value + '
' + this.form.q15Bname2.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bname2.value + '
' + this.form.q15Bemail2.value + '
' + this.form.a15Bemail2.value + '
' + this.form.q15C.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Cname.value + '
' + this.form.a15Cname.value + '
' + '
' + this.form.q15Ctitle.value + '
' + this.form.a15Ctitle.value + '
' + this.form.q15Corg.value + '
' + this.form.a15Corg.value + '
' + this.form.q15Caddress.value + '
' + this.form.a15Caddress.value + '
' + this.form.q15Cphone.value + '
' + this.form.a15Cphone.value + '
' + this.form.q15Cemail.value + '
' + this.form.a15Cemail.value; }}

{{#input:type=hidden|name=title|id=title}} {{#input:type=hidden|name=content|id=content}}

{{#input:type=hidden|id=q1|value=What is the name of the proposed milestone?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q2|value=What is the location of the proposed milestone? In what IEEE section does it reside?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q3|value=What was the date of the work?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q4|value=What is the historical significance of the work (its technological, scientific, or social importance)?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q5|value=What features set this work apart from similar achievements?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q6|value=What obstacles (technical, political, geographic) needed to be overcome?}}
{{#input:type=hidden|id=q7|value=Describe briefly the intended site(s) of the milestone plaque(s). The intended site(s) must have a direct connection with the achievement (e.g. where developed, invented, tested, demonstrated, installed, or operated, etc.). A museum where a device or example of the technology is displayed, or the university where the inventor studied, are not, in themselves, sufficient connection for a milestone plaque.}}

{{#input:type=hidden|id=q8|value=Are the original buildings extant?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q9|value=How is the site protected/secured, and in what ways is it accessible to the public?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q10|value=Who is the present owner of the site(s)?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q11|value=Has the owner of the site agreed to have it designated as an Electrical Engineering Milestone?}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q12|value=Please specify the IEEE Organizational Unit(s) which have agreed to sponsor the Milestone nomination, and list the contact information for the senior officer(s) from those OU(s).}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13|value=Please specify the senior officer(s) of the IEEE Section(s) where the plaque(s) would be placed and supply contact information:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13name|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13section|value=IEEE Section:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13position|value=Position within Section:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q13email|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14|value=Please specify the IEEE OU which will pay for the plaque(s) and provide the name and contact information of the officer of the OU with approval authority:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14name|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14ou|value=IEEE OU:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14position|value=Position within OU:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q14email|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15|value=List the person(s) responsible within the organizational unit(s) for preparing the formal milestone nomination, and preparing the ceremonial events with publicity:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15A|value=Nomination:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aname|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aemail|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aname2|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Aemail2|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15B|value=Dedication Ceremony and Publicity:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bname|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bemail|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bname2|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Bemail2|value=E-mail:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15C|value=Proposed by:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Cname|value=Name:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Ctitle|value=Title:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Corg|value=Organization:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Caddress|value=Address:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Cphone|value=Telephone:}} {{#input:type=hidden|id=q15Cemail|value=E-mail:}} }}