Milestone-Proposal talk:Cruft HighTension Laboratory, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science/Advocate comments/LQT Archive 1


Advocate Assessment

I have reviewed the proposal to recognize the work conducted at the Cruft HighTension Laboratory at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Science between 1917 and the mid 1940's and discussed my concerns with the leadership of both the Milestones Sub-Committee and the History Committee.

The Milestone program has traditionally focused on recognizing a technical accomplishment that occurred at a specific time and location that has had significant downstream impact. However, this Milestone Proposal seeks to recognize a place where a set of related technical activity occurred over a few decades. The novelty and significance of the technical activity is not well explained.

While the Cruft HighTension Laboratory likely passes the test of being a historic place, this category does not currently exist within the IEEE Milestone program. After extensive discussion and consultation with the History Committee and Milestone Subcommittee leadership, I recommend that the proposal be held until the results of a Milestone program review have been received later this year. At that point, we will let the proposers know how to proceed.