History of Lossless Data Compression Algorithms

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There are two major categories of compression algorithms: lossy and lossless. Lossy compression algorithms involve the reduction of a file’s size usually by removing small details that require a large amount of data to store at full fidelity. In lossy compression, it is impossible to restore the original file due to the removal of essential data. Lossy compression is most commonly used to store image and audio data, and while it can achieve very high compression ratios through data removal, it is not covered in this article. Lossless data compression is the size reduction of a file, such that a decompression function can restore the original file exactly with no loss of data. Lossless data compression is used ubiquitously in computing, from saving space on your personal computer to sending data over the web, communicating over a secure shell, or viewing a PNG or GIF image.

The basic principle that lossless compression algorithms work on is that any non-random file will contain duplicated information that can be condensed using statistical modeling techniques that determine the probability of a character or phrase appearing. These statistical models can then be used to generate codes for specific characters or phrases based on their probability of occurring, and assigning the shortest codes to the most common data. Such techniques include entropy encoding, run-length encoding, and compression using a dictionary. Using these techniques and others, an 8-bit character or a string of such characters could be represented with just a few bits resulting in a large amount of redundant data being removed.

A Hierarchy of Lossless Compression Algorithms

Data compression has only played a significant role in computing since the 1970s, when the Internet was becoming more popular and the Lempel-Ziv algorithms were invented, but it has a much longer history outside of computing. Morse code, invented in 1838, is the earliest instance of data compression in that the most common letters in the English language such as “e” and “t” are given shorter Morse codes. Later, as mainframe computers were starting to take hold in 1949, Claude Shannon and Robert Fano invented Shannon-Fano coding. Their algorithm assigns codes to symbols in a given block of data based on the probability of the symbol occuring. The probability is of a symbol occuring is inversely proportional to the length of the code, resulting in a shorter way to represent the data [1].

Two years later, David Huffman was studying information theory at MIT and had a class with Robert Fano. Fano gave the class the choice of writing a term paper or taking a final exam. Huffman chose the term paper, which was to be on finding the most efficient method of binary coding. After working for months and failing to come up with anything, Huffman was about to throw away all his work and start studying for the final exam in lieu of the paper. It was at that point that he had an epiphany, figuring out a very similar yet more efficient technique to Shannon-Fano coding. The key difference between Shannon-Fano coding and Huffman coding is that in the former the probability tree is built bottom-up, creating a suboptimal result, and in the latter it is built top-down [2].

Early implementations of Shannon-Fano and Huffman coding were done using hardware and hardcoded codes. It was not until the 1970s and the advent of the Internet and online storage that software compression was implemented that Huffman codes were dynamically generated based on the input data [1]. Later, in 1977, Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv published their groundbreaking LZ77 algorithm, the first algorithm to use a dictionary to compress data. More specifically, LZ77 used a dynamic dictionary oftentimes called a sliding window [3]. In 1978, the same duo published their LZ78 algorithm which also uses a dictionary; unlike LZ77, this algorithm parses the input data and generates a static dictionary rather than generating it dynamically [4]

Legal Issues

Both the LZ77 and LZ78 algorithms grew rapidly in popularity, spawning many variants shown in the diagram to the right. Most of these algorithms have died off since their invention, with just a handful seeing widespread use today including DEFLATE, LZMA, and LZX. Most of the commonly used algorithms are derived from the LZ77 algorithm. This is not due to technical superiority, but because LZ78 algorithms became patent-encumbered after Unisys patented the derivative LZW algorithm in 1984 and began suing software vendors, server admins, and even end users for using the GIF format without a license [5][6].

At the time, the UNIX compress utility used a very slight modification of the LZW algorithm called LZC and was later discontinued due to patent issues. Other UNIX developers also began to deviate from using the LZW algorithm in favor or open source ones. This led the UNIX community to adopt the DEFLATE-based gzip and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform-based bzip2 formats. In the long run, this was a benefit for the UNIX community because both the gzip and bzip2 formats nearly always achieve significantly higher compression ratios than the LZW format [6]. The patent issues surrounding LZW have since subsided, as the patent on the LZW algorithm expired in 2003 [5]. Despite this, the LZW algorithm has largely been replaced and is only commonly used in GIF compression. There have also been some LZW derivatives since then but they do not enjoy widespread use either and LZ77 algorithms remain dominant.

Another legal battle erupted in 1993 regarding the LZS algorithm. LZS was developed by Stac Electronics for use in disk compression software such as Stacker. Microsoft used the LZS algorithm in developing disk compression software that was released with MS-DOS 6.0 that purported to double the capacity of a hard drive. When Stac Electronics found out its intellectual property was being used, it filed suit against Microsoft. Microsoft was later found guilty of patent infringement and ordered to pay Stac Electronics $120 million in damages minus $13.6 million awarded in a countersuit finding that Microsoft’s infringement was not willful [7]. Although Stac Electronics v. Microsoft had a large judgment, it did not impede the development of Lempel-Ziv algorithms as the LZW patent dispute did. The only consequence seems to be that LZS has not been forked into any new algorithms.

Compression Becomes a Necessity

What happened after 1978 besides legal issues.

Archival Software

How archival software paralleled the development of various algorithms.

Compression Techniques

Many different techniques are used to compress data. Most compression techniques cannot stand on their own, but must be combined together to form a compression algorithm. Those that can stand alone are often more effective when joined together with other compression techniques. Most of these techniques fall under the category of entropy coders, but there are others such as Run-Length Encoding and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform that are also commonly used.

Run-Length Encoding

Run-Length Encoding is a very simple compression technique that replaces runs of  two or more of the same character with a number which represents the length of the run, followed by the original character; single characters are coded as runs of 1. RLE is useful for highly-redundant data, indexed images with many pixels of the same color in a row, or in combination with other compression techniques like the Burrows-Wheeler Transform.

Here is a quick example of RLE:


Output: 3A2B4C1D6E38A

Burrows-Wheeler Transform

The Burrows-Wheeler Transform is a compression technique that aims to reversibly transform a block of input data such that the amount of runs of identical characters is maximized. The BWT itself does not perform any compression operations, it simply transforms the input such that it can be more efficiently coded by a Run-Length Encoder or other secondary compression technique.

The algorithm for a BWT is simple:

  1. Create a string array.
  2. Generate all possible rotations of the input string, storing each in the array.
  3. Sort the array alphabetically.
  4. Return the last column of the array (the last character of each string in the array concatenated).

BWT usually works best on long inputs with many alternating identical characters. Here is an example of the algorithm being run on an ideal input. Note that & is an End of File character:

Alpha-Sorted Rotations

Because of its alternating identical characters, performing the BWT on this input generates an optimal result that another algorithm could further compress, such as RLE which would yield "3H&3A". While this example generated an optimal result, it does not generate optimal results on real-world data.

Entropy Encoding

Entropy in data compression means the smallest number of bits needed, on average, to represent a symbol or literal. A basic entropy coder combines a statistical model and a coder. The input file is parsed and used to generate a statistical model that consists of the probabilities of a given symbol appearing. Then, the coder will use the statistical model to determine what bit-or-bytecodes to assign to each symbol such that the most common symbols have the shortest codes and the least common symbols have the longest codes [8].

Shannon-Fano Coding

This is one of the earliest compression techniques, invented in 1949 by Claude Shannon and Robert Fano. This technique involves generating a binary tree to represent the probabilities of each symbol occurring. The symbols are ordered such that the most frequent symbols appear at the top of the tree and the least likely symbols appear at the bottom.

The code for a given symbol is obtained by searching for it in the Shannon-Fano tree, and appending to the code a value of 0 or 1 for each left or right branch taken, respectively. For example, if “A” is two branches to the left and one to the right its code would be “001”. Shannon-Fano coding does not always produce optimal codes due to the way it builds the binary tree from the bottom up. For this reason, Huffman coding is used instead as it generates an optimal code for any given input.

The algorithm to generate Shannon-Fano codes is fairly simple

  1. Parse the input, counting the occurrence of each symbol.
  2. Determine the probability of each symbol using the symbol count.
  3. Sort the symbols by probability, with the most probable first.
  4. Generate leaf nodes for each symbol.
  5. Divide the list in two while keeping the probability of the left branch roughly equal to those on the right branch.
  6. Prepend 0 and 1 to the left and right nodes' codes, respectively.
  7. Recursively apply steps 5 and 6 to the left and right subtrees until each node is a leaf in the tree. [9]

Huffman Coding

Huffman Coding is another variant of entropy coding that works in a very similar manner to Shannon-Fano Coding, but the binary tree is built from the top down to generate an optimal result.

The algorithm to generate Huffman codes shares its first steps with Shannon-Fano:

  1. Parse the input, counting the occurrence of each symbol.
  2. Determine the probability of each symbol using the symbol count.
  3. Sort the symbols by probability, with the most probable first.
  4. Generate leaf nodes for each symbol, including P, and add them to a queue.
  5. While (Nodes in Queue > 1)
  • Remove the two lowest probability nodes from the queue.
  • Prepend 0 and 1 to the left and right nodes' codes, respectively.
  • Create a new node with value equal to the sum of the nodes’ probability.
  • Assign the first node to the left branch and the second node to the right branch.
  • Add the node to the queue

     6. The last node remaining in the queue is the root of the Huffman tree. [10]

Arithmetic Coding

Arithmetic coding is arguably the most optimal entropy coding technique if the objective is the best compression ratio since it usually achieves better results than Huffman Coding. It is, however, quite complicated compared to the other coding techniques.

Rather than splitting the probabilities of symbols into a tree, arithmetic coding transforms the input data into a single rational number between 0 and 1 by changing the base and assigning a single value to each unique symbol from 0 up to the base. Then, it is further transformed into a fixed-point binary number which is the encoded result. The value can be decoded into the original output by changing the base from binary back to the original base and replacing the values with the symbols they correspond to.

A general algorithm to compute the arithmetic code is:

  1. Calculate the number of unique symbols in the input. This number represents the base b (e.g. base 2 is binary) of the arithmetic code.
  2. Assign values from 0 to b to each unique symbol in the order they appear.
  3. Using the values from step 2, replace the symbols in the input with their codes
  4. Convert the result from step 3 from base b to a sufficiently long fixed-point binary number to preserve precision.
  5. Record the length of the input string somewhere in the result as it is needed for decoding [11].

Here is an example of an encode operation, given the input “ABCDAABD”:

  1. Found 4 unique symbols in input, therefore base = 4. Length = 8
  2. Assigned values to symbols: A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3
  3. Replaced input with codes: “0.012300134” where the leading 0 is not a symbol.
  4. Convert “0.012311234” from base 4 to base 2: “0.011011000001112
  5. Result found. Note in result that input length is 8.

Assuming 7-bit ASCII codes, the input is 56 bits long, while its arithmetic coding is just 14 bits long resulting in a very high compression ratio of 25%. This example demonstrates how arithmetic coding compresses well when given a limited character set.

Compression Algorithms

Sliding Window Algorithms



































Statistical Lempel-Ziv

Dictionary Algorithms















Non-dictionary Algorithms











More to come in the next two days.