ETHW:Action Item Follow-ups

Revision as of 17:33, 6 January 2014 by Administrator4 (talk | contribs)

Code To whom assigned Deadline Item Description
03-2012-09 Michelson/Coopersmith/Schwartz/Pugh/ Geselowitz/Colburn DONE

Explore possibility of IEEE on-line open-access history journal, possibly in cooperation with IEEE Communications Society (as the core of a potential Technical Council or Multi-Society Technical Group)

09-2012-06 Hochheiser 11/2103 Staff to arrange oral history interview of Bruce Barrow with Martin Bastiaans present (update 3/2013--Martin unable to come to US, so will be done by Staff alone)
09-2012-07 Brewer 11/2013 Staff to explore ways to organize and post Bastiaans' book on history of Region 8, when book is complete
03-2013-02 Cooke DONE Supply information to staff about endangered historical panels in Boston
03-2013-05 Misa/Marsh/Schwartz DONE Recommend further improvements to Fellowship program
03-2013-07 Colburn/Brewer DONE Investigate possibility of placing QR codes near future Milestone plaques
03-2013-08 Colburn/Brewer DONE Investigate linking to seminal engineering works (e.g. Rad Lab series) when they exist digitally
10-2013-01 Colburn/Day DONE Submit 8 Committee-approved Milestones to the IEEE Board of Directors for action at their November meeting
10-2013-02 Feisel/Burger/Johnston/Colburn 03/2014 Pursue Milestone challenges
10-2013-03 Geselowitz 12/2013 Manage annual transfer of funds from IEEE Foundation to IEEE Histiory Center
10-2013-04 Feisel/Geselowitz 11/2013 Forward Middleton Prize recommendation to IEEE Awards Board for advice and consent
10-2013-05 Geselowitz 12/2014 Work with Region 8 on technical cosponsorship of HISTELCON 2015
10-2013-06 Colburn/Brewer/Geselowitz DONE Adopt the improvements to the Fellowship proposed by the sub committee, implement on the GHN, and disseminate for the 2014-2015 award
10-2013-07 Feisel/Cooke/Geselowitz 12/2013 Send letter to Verizon expressing concern for historic telephone murals in storage in Boston
10-2013-08 Feisel/Colburn DONE Send recognitions to Committee members rotating off at the end of 2013, after 2014 roster is announced by IEEE
10-2013-09 Colburn DONE Send certificates of recognition to Milestone nominators, and establish as regular program going forward
10-2013-10 Geselowitz 12/2014 Work with Japan Council History Committee to explore history conference in Japan in 2017
10-2013-11 Geselowitz/Colburn/Johnston 12/2013 Pursue making proceedings of HISTELCON available on GHN
10-2012-12 Colburn/Brewer 12/2013 Adjust Miletones format
10-2013-13 Colburn/Geselowitz/Burger 03/2014 Plan History Committee meeting for 8 - 9 March 2014 in Newark, NJ, USA