ETHW:Action Item Follow-ups

Revision as of 14:49, 14 September 2012 by Administrator4 (talk | contribs)

Code To whom assigned Deadline Item Description

11-2011-04 Geselowitz/Colburn DONE (will be rolled up into broader exploration of on-line journal) Explore possibility of STARS e-book; 
03-2012-01 Feisel/Colburn DONE Prepare two Milestones for Approval by IEEE BoD as regular consent agenda business at June meeting
03-2012-02 Geselowitz/Colburn DONE  Process new IEEE Life Members’ History Fellow
03-2012-03 Feisel/Geselowitz/ Colburn DONE  Plan Fall History Committee meeting to be held in conjunction with HISTELCON 2012
03-2012-04 All DONE Plan on participating in HISTELCON 2012 in conjunction with Fall History Committee meeting
03-2012-05 Feisel/Engelson/ Schwartz/Michelson/ Geselowitz/Vardalas 09/2012 Move forward with distance learning market survey and subsequent activities as suggested by study
03-2012-06 Johnston/Colburn DONE   Streamline Milestones process by reducing it to one submission step
03-2012-07 Johnston/Colburn 09/2012 Prepare template agreements for pairing Section and other OUs that wish to sponsor Milestones
03-2012-08 Pugh/Magoun/Brewer DONE Bring STARS categorization scheme into line with the rest of the GHN
03-2012-09 Coopersmith/Michelson/Schwartz/Pugh/ Geselowitz/Colburn 09/2012

Explore possibility of IEEE on-line open-access history journal, possibly in cooperation with IEEE Communications Society (as the core of a potential Technical Council or Multi-Society Technical Group)

09-2012-01 Colburn DONE Staff to revise section 5 of "History Committee Information" to reflect that advocates are appointed as soon as milestone proposals begin being entered.
09-2012-02 Colburn DONE Staff to add wording in section 5 of "History Committee Information" in re including links to milestone proposals in all emails regarding those milestones.
09-2012-03 Brewer 03/2013 Staff to look into links that would take HistComm members directly to milestone proposals bypassing logging in.
09-2012-04 Hochheiser 11/2012 Arrange oral history interview of Bruce Barrow with Martin Bastiaans present.