

Proposals are optional, but useful for authors who may benefit from guidance before writing the full article. When a proposal does not correspond to an existing candidate, a new candidate should be created with approval from the STARS Executive Committee. An author may use or revise any material in the proposal for the STARS article.

Please send your proposal to Alexander Magoun, the managing editor, for review by the Editorial Board.

Proposal Requirements:

Title of the article consists of no more than 40 characters and spaces; to facilitate alphabetic sorting, titles may not begin with the words A, An, or The.

Name(s) of the author(s)

Timeline of 5 to 20 one-line entries; date the year in 4 digits, followed by a systems-defined space and text in which the number of characters plus spaces is no more than 85.

Synopsis of essay in 200 to 500 words

Bibliography consists of 2 to 12 references of which at least 1 must be of historic significance and 1 for further reading.

Biography of each author in 50 to 100 words.